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Mount Williamson

14,375' (4381m) 2nd highest in California 1992
Sunrise on Mt Williamson 
5/88      Driven off by a blizzard from high camp at west edge of Williamson Bowl at ~12,000' 
7/89      Couldn't find route, high camp again above shepherds pass near west edge of Williamson Bowl
5/91      Mike made summit. Randy & I didn't try. High camp again above shepherds pass near west edge of Williamson Bowl
5/92      Made summit with Mike & Randy, made high camp in Williamson Bowl near base of Mt Tyndall
Mt Williamson is a harder climb than it's higher neighbor Mt Whitney. You start at the Shepherd Pass trailhead in the Symes Creek drainage. From there you work your way up south to a saddle and down into the Shepherd Creek drainage. Climbing again up to Anvil Camp. I have heard this pitch referred to as the Death March by several people. I took me four attempts to finally make the summit Memorial Day weekend 1992 before I drove the ALCAN to Alaska. I cheated and showed up a day early and put my first camp in the saddle. When Mike & Randy showed up we pushed on to Anvil Camp. We made a higher camp in Williamson Bowl in front of Mt Tyndall. We day climbed to the summit and back to high camp.
Mt Williamson (left of center) and Mt Tyndall (more distant right of center) from the Owens Valley
Camp in the saddle between Symmes & Shepherd Creeks                                                Mt Williamson from the summit of Mt Tyndall
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