Back to map                 Argus Peak
Argus Range
The highest of the Argus Range - Parrot, Parkinson's and Maturango Peaks
Part of the Argus Range reflected in spring fed lake near Indian Ranch in Panamint Valley
Sunlit Slate Range from above Great Falls Basin on the flank of Argus Peak
Mouth of Great Falls Basin Kopper King Cabin
Lookout Mining District
I always wondered about Miss Feather Legs (Her legs were light as a feather going up in the air or so hairy she looked like she had feathers?)
Minnetta Mine Cabin
Basement of the Shelion General Store at Lookout Inside the Defiance Mine
Reilly Townsite & Anthony Mill
  What's left of the Anthony Mill
Reilly ruins Typical rock dwelling found scattered around the area
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