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Ludwig Lenzenhuber September 22,1901-March 16,1986 | |
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Ludwig 1924 Wedding Picture | Ludwig, Mary Lou & Gertrude |
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Although most official records such as his
death certificate claim he was born in Munich, he told his daughter in
law that he was born in Innsbruck Austria as a "Love
Child" (his choice of words) His mother's name was Maria Meier.
His mother latter married Josef Lenzenhuber. Both Josef and Maria were
from Boos Germany, so I assume he was the natural father who brought
Maria and Ludwig back from Innsbruck He lived in Bavaria in a small village near Munich. In his
early 20's he rode a motorcycle down to northern Germany. In 1923 he
stowed away in a locker aboard a ship (the Mongolia) to New York City, returned to Germany
and married Gertrude Schlosser. He then worked another ship (the SS
Columbus) back to New York with
his bride in 1924. They had a son Joseph born in the Manhattan while they
lived in the Bronx in 1926. Until the years following World War II,
Yorkville on the East Side was a predominantly German community, and East
86th Street was nicknamed the German Broadway. When their first
daughter Inge was born in 1928 at 531 E. 86th Street they were living at
637 St Ann's Avenue in the Bronx.. The also lived at College Point in Brooklyn
for a period. before moving upstate.
His son (my father) claims Grandpa worked 14 hours a day seven days a week at his bakery business (The Ace Pastry). At least in the beginning. My dad had it easier at 10 hours a day 6 days a week. By the time I can remember Grandpa had his business going well enough that he sometimes had some time on the weekend to spend at his camp on Sacandaga Reservoir. The farmer they had bought the land died and his widow sold them the rest of the land up to the road cheap. Latter the land was divided into three parcels. I remember helping plant bunches of foot tall pine trees on the upper sections which had been cleared field back in the early 60s. After Ludwig retired they spent their winters at their trailer in Florida and their summers at the camp. He brought shells back up north in the spring and incorporated them in cement work around the camp. |
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Passport Photo | Retirement trailer in Delray Beach, Florida 1990 |
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50th Wedding Anniversary (1974) | Camp on Sacandaga Reservoir (Now called The Great Sacandaga Lake) 2013 |
After my grandparents retired the camp started seeing more and more sea shells cemented into features here and there. In the summer there was the honey bucket. That's what his daughter Mary Lou called it. Grandpa would defecate in a bucket and put it on his garden. Being a vegetable rights activist I never had any but I was assured his produce was good. Every spring besides bringing sea shells up from their trailer in Florida he would bring up 50 or so golf balls for my father. Unfortunately they were mostly driving range balls. Grandpa used to wander. | |
I remember Thanksgivings at both 41 and 47 Harrison Avenue in Elsmere. Dinner was always set up in the basement and there were always long walks down Bender Lane with Grandpa. (Bender Lane was rural forest in the 50s and 60s, now it's large expensive houses and has a 4 lane highway bisecting it), Besides walks Grandpa liked to swim, Grandma & Grandpa would take long swims in the evening up and down the coast from their camp on Sacandaga. They also spent a lot of time each day in the pool in their trailer park in Florida. (His swimming and hiking ended when he lost a leg due to circulatory problems, which really impacted a naturally hard working active man) Grandpa said if he came back he wanted to come back as a cow. Don't believe anybody knows why. Where his son would use silver duct tape frequently, Ludwig used silver paint. The 55 gallon drums that floated the dock at Sacandaga, the dock itself, his rain barrels and many other items come easily to mind. He was the ultimate left over eater even beating out my father. He would pour left over beverages into a single container and drink the concoction later. (might be orange and cola and 7 up and who knows what else). |
The Ace Pastery was on New Scotland Avenue near Ontario. The building is gone now. The Trading Post was on the corner and the bakery was a few doors down the street. I thought they had an elevator to the sidewalk but my father said no.( Their were some in the area) He should know, carrying supplies in and out of the basement. I remember my grandparents counting the change at the end of the day in the back. I also remember near the end their bread slicing machine had a blade missing where you would end up with one double thick slice in the loaf. Grandpa got the rationed sugar to start the business in the war time early 40's because his son had been in the Navy. I remember my father, grandparents and Aunt Marry Lou working there. I also heard that Aunt Inge had given up her job at the phone company to work there when her parents had needed her help. (My maternal Aunt Helen, who worked a career at he phone company, didn't approve, but families do what they have to do). My first tax paying job was at St Peter's Hospital and I made a friend who had lived on nearby Forest Ave and grown up with the Ace Pastry. I was a popular kid in my neighborhood when it came to bakery goods. |
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Poolside at Highland Park, Delray Beach, Fla | At home in Florida |
Ludwig was Hypoglycemic and eventually lost a leg due to circulatory problems. I member him at camp with tears steaming down his face. I believed he was mourning the loss of his younger days, he used to be so active. Near then end he would want to go outside for fresh air when it was easier in the air conditioned trailer. My mother and two sisters spent some time down in Florida seeing him pass. | |
Highland Park | |
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Phil & Lena Riffencougals also bought in the same trailer park around the same time. They were good friends of Ludwig & Gertrude until they omitted them from a party guest list and the Riffencougals never spoke to them again. Ludwig had worked at Phil's Pastry Shop for a short period and his son Joe had worked there a lot of years and continued working there for Bob after Phil retired and sold the business. I visited them at their trailer before going into the Navy in early 1971. I brought my first wife Patty by in 1975. My second wife Jackie in 1996? By then my grandfather had died. I also drove from California to meet my parents there in 1990. I stopped on Bourbon Street in New Orleans before and after the 49ers whopped Denver. Grandma lived alone there for many years 1986-till the new millenium. | |
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