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I refuse to belong to any organization that would have me for a member, but occasionally
Cub Scouts 1959? Den Mothers are cool  
Boy Scouts of America 1964-66? 1st Class            (Didn't know it was a religious organization at the time)
United Sates Navy 1971-77 2nd Class (Never Again Volunteer Yourself)          Draft Dodger
United States Parachute Association 1972 No Class  (15 jumps) David Wilkinson with Watashi & Terry Scott jumpmaster
National Riffle Association 1980-83 Only got the magazine  
American Bowling Congress? 1973-75
About a 150s bowler  
Mensa 2013

Didn't need to belong to a mutual admiration society

In 2014 at 100 years old still $159 lifetime (100 should be free)
Disabled American Veterans 2013- Got a deal on lifetime Wanted to support them, don't want anything from them
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