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Mono Lake |
Sunset at Mono
(Enlarge) |
Sunrise at Mono
(Enlarge) |
Sunrise at Mono Lake |
Sunrise at Mono Lake |
I left the camper at Oak Creek Campground (above
the Mt Whitney Fish Hatchery near Independence) for 6 days while
I explored the local area as well as spending a night at Mono
Lake. Although I brought snow shoes and a tent the road down
to the kiosk at the South Tufa formations had been plowed
and was clear and dry. (Last year in February I had to walk from
Hwy 120). Near Independence I explored the Whiteside Mine and
tried unsuccessfully to hike up to the Winnedumah Piaute
Monument. (I started too low because I didn't have the gas to
bring the Jeep up higher) |
Mt Tom from below the Sherwin Grade |
Mt Tom from atop the Sherwin Grade |
Sunrise on Mt Williamson
(2nd highest mountain in California) |
Sunrise on the Owens River |
Independence and University Peaks |
Mt Morrison from Mammoth Hot Springs Rd |
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Photos by Lenzenhuber |