I met Ron around 1993 when I moved to Ridgecrest. In 1994
I took over supervising the Communications Shop on Echo Range at China
Lake Naval Air and Ron worked for me. The first time I went backpacking
in the local Sierra was with Ron, Mike and Bob. Bob's wife Robin dropped
us off at the Dark Canyon trailhead in Sequoia National Forest. We hiked
down through Woodpecker meadow and out through Domelands Wilderness. I
also backpacked with Ron to the First Cottonwood Lake, we camped at
Golden Trout camp. Once I camped with Ron and his son Kenny at the mouth
of Great Falls Basin near Trona. After three young men came by and used
my repelling rope I had fixed nearby, Kenny and I shamed Ron into trying
it. (He was afraid of heights). When I left the Comm Shop to move to the
GRIM group in 2001 I got Ron promoted to A tech and gave control
of the shop to Ron. Ron's nick name was Mitch and his buddy Tony called
him Mitch-Mo. He was a walking telephone book and had a great memory for
problems and solutions at work. |