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Lone Pine to
Big Pine October 23-28, 2019 |
The White Mountains (left)
and the Inyo Mountains (right) beyond Big Pine |
I went up out of Big Pine looking for the
road that takes you into the south end of Coyote Flat. Found one road
the 96 Cherokee couldn't get up. Probably the one I failed on years ago.
Latter looking at a map it looks like there are two or three other
possible routes onto the Sugarloaf Road. Camped at Birch Creek for a
couple nights on Mc Murry Meadows Road. First night was north fork of
Oak Creek above Independence and the last was off Whitney Portal Road
above Lone Pine. Went back up to Lone Pine on Monday looking for a lost
wallet. |
Sugarloaf (middle left most
peak) Coyote Flat is beyond Sugarloaf. Road should
go around the right side of the peak |
Up Birch Creek to Birch Mountain |
Down Birch Creek to Tinnemaha Reservoir |
About 5am Sunday morning a cold north wind
started blowing hard. Obscuring Lone Pine and much of the Owen's Valley.
(Thank LA and the dry Owen's Lakebed) |
On the drug scene. The marijuana dispensary
on the Fort Independence Reservation opened August 30th. (no taxes) The
Double L Bar in Lone Pine closed about a year and a half ago. (Jake's
Saloon has had liquor for the last six months) The bartender at
Jake's said the Double L liquor license went up to Mammoth. |
Mt Whitney and the portal road |
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