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Trailer Shakedown Trip August 9-13, 2016
Obsidian Dome Road camp
I recently purchased a 2009 nineteen foot Nomad trailer which I wanted to take on a shakedown trip to see how it handled with my Jeep Grand Cherokee. All the appliances worked but the water lines werel of foul odor. The previous owner had died a year ago and they hadn't done anything about the black grey or fresh water as it sat in Arizona. When running the fresh water into the sinks it smelled similar to sulfur dioxide. (Rotten eggs). I bought a quart of Clorox at K-Mart in Bishop and added it to the tank. I also bought a case of drinking water. 
Fire up towards Cottonwood Lakes (Was pretty much out the next morning)
Mazourka Rd
First camp with the trailer was near the old site of Kearsarge for one night
Obsidian Dome Rd
Second camp was on Obsidian Dome Road for three nights Plenty of dirt bikes, quads, cars, trucks and RVs in the area to kick up dust
Walker Lake
North end of Walker Lake and Mono Pass South end of Walker Lake
The road to Walker Lake was gated off a couple miles before the lake. I originally thought due to last years fire in the area, but now think it is only accessible for the facility at the south end of the lake which has a few boats to rent. There doesn't seem to be any fire damage at the lake itself and access is gained from the Walker Lake Trailhead Road. A steep half mile or less hike takes you down to the lake.
Burnt trees on the ridge above the lake
Mono Lake (distant right) and the gated off road into Walker Lake through Bloody Canyon (This picture is to the right of above two pictures all three 1920w images) Walker Lake fire August 2015
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