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Piute Mountains  May 11-12, 2016
Looking north from the Northern Piute Mountains (Lake Isabella, The Kern Plateau and the High Sierra)
     I spent $650 for a set of 4 new tires for the old Cherokee so needed to get out and break them in. I've crossed the Sierra to Kelso Creek via Bird Springs before but hadn't done the Dove Springs route. Only one dirt bike camp in the off road area, temps starting to get into the mid 90's. After Kelso Creek I went up in the Piute Mountains to Claraville where I had gone twice before. (The Piute Mountains are a sub range in the Sierra west of Kelso Creek) One time up near Claraville I had to take a tent down in the middle of the night and bail out back to Weldon and over Walker Pass in a snow storm. The other I tried to loop back down Jawbone Canyon Road but was stopped by snow banks and came back out Kelso Creek. No problem with snow this time, not a trace of it even on the 8000'+  peaks in the shade. Too far south for snow that low this time of year. Northern Sierra are still snowed in at that elevation.  I had been planning on coming out at Caliente on 58 but decided to cut up to Bodfish and Isabella instead. From there I went up Canebrake Road to Chimney Creek Campground for my second night out. Lake Isabella was fuller than I have seen it in years. Water was back in Paradise Cove but not to Mountain Messa. They still haven't started repairs on the auxiliary dam which was why it had been so low for years. That and the drought.
Dove Springs Off Road Area
Hard to find a spot that hasn't been torn up by dirt bikers
Dove Springs
Actual trees in the desert that aren't Joshua Trees, which are really related to a Yucca.
Mayan Peak 6108' (right of center beyond Kelso Creek) I came over to the right of Mayan Peak at about 5600', a vertical gain of about 2500' from Hwy 14 on the other side
Piute Mountains
Wild flowers were still in bloom in some areas
Claraville Area
Lonesome Al's sign I'm wondering if Barney trespassed
Dropping down towards Bodfish and Isabella
Purple represents about 65 miles of dirt of 160 mile total trip
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