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Grand Canyon National Park (Toroweap and Whitmore Overlooks) April 2012
Tuweep Area and the Toroweap Overlook
The trouble with the North and South Rims of the Grand Canyon is the distance to the River. You can't make it with a day hike. 
Whitmore Overlook
Remote landing strip near the Bar Ten Ranch.
View from the end of the hike, back up to the Jeep
Basalt Columns on the hike down to the river. The Colorado was once damned here by lava flows forming a lake.
At The Colorado River
I gingerly sat in the shallows at the sand bar. I managed to lay back and get wet but it was very cold. I didn't want to get out in the channel and get swept down river. Mya was happy for the cold water, her tough Husky pads were burning. It is the only time I ever saw her suffer from the heat of the trail. She would hide in what little shadow she could find on the way down and back up. It was only April but the heat was still intense. It was about 45 minutes down to the river.