MINSY (Mare Island Naval Shipyard) is closed now, closed by a BRAC (Base Re-alignment And Closure) in 199x. It was the oldest Navy base on the west coast, founded by Farragut in 1854? Before it's closure the Data Systems Technician School had been moved to Dam Neck Virginia in 19xx but the rate was absorbed and went away in 1998. (Most became FTs (Fire Control Technicians)) The land once owned by the Navy has become part of the city of Vallejo and much of Mare Island is being utilized in the private sector. The golf course (probably the oldest on the west coast) has been expanded to 18 holes from the 9 when I was stationed there. My old barracks 1296 is now and Army Reserves barracks and the last place I worked (CSMTF) is now  an US Forest Service facility.
1970s CSTSC Pictures
Barracks 930
Certificates from Navy Technical Schools
Schools command when it was still a hospital in 1944
The Hospital goes back to Abraham Lincolns time but the original building was destroyed during an earthquake and the only thing that remains of it is the stone basement of the Administrative building H-1 (Center behind the flag pole) At one time the Fire Control Technicians had the right side L shaped two buildings and the Data Systems Technicians the left L shaped complex H80/81